Delonghi coffee machine (C2C)

Your product

This is the product that you have selected.

Choose the duration

Choose from a subscription for 6+ months, 3+ years or 5+ years. After the minimum duration, the subscription is automatically renewed for an indefinite period. You can then cancel with one month cancellation period.

Monthly fee

Fixed monthly price: you pay a fixed amount per month. You can make unlimited use of the product.






Your Homie

Per month

This is what you pay monthly.


Pay once

This is what you pay one-time for connection and/or products.


Related products

Coffee machines
Magimix Nespressomachine
From 14,95 per month
Unlimited use
Incl. milk foamer
Adjustable water volume
Temporarily not available
Coffee machines
Delonghi coffee machine
From 24,95 per month
Unlimited use
Fully automatic
Steam pipe

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