Washing machine no longer centrifuges: How do I fix it?
30 July 2024
You open the washing machine and the clothes are completely soaked, how can this be? Chances are it’s because your washing machine no longer spins. Fortunately, this problem is often easy to fix, but what if it still doesn’t? We’ll tell you the most common causes, which cause a washing machine to stop spinning and give you tips on how to fix the problem.
Most common causes and solutions
A washing machine not spinning can have many causes, below we list the most common ones. Fortunately, these problems can often be solved easily.
Unbalanced load
Perhaps the most common cause of your washing machine failing to spin is because the washing drum is unbalanced. This happens when there is too much or too little in the drum or when there is a lot of laundry crammed together. The sensor in the washing machine causes it not to spin if there is an imbalance to prevent damage. This problem can be easily remedied, by distributing the laundry in your washing machine properly and not crumpling it together. Make sure the washing machine is not jam-packed, but that there is not too little laundry in it either.
The door is not closed properly
An easy cause, but still a common one. If the washer door is not closed properly, the washer will not start spinning to prevent leakage and damage.
Drainage problems
Does your washing machine still spin, but no longer at full power? Then it could also be the case that your washing machine’s drain is clogged. As a result, the water no longer drains away fast enough, causing the washing machine to stop spinning or spin very slowly, leaving the washing wet. Fortunately, this problem is often easy to fix by running some boiling water with soda or vinegar down the drain. To avoid this problem, it is recommended to clean your filter once in a while.
Centrifuge Function is faulty
In the washing machine itself, many different components can break down such as the sensors, control panels or other electronic components. These components often break down when the washing machine is moved with a move, for example. Therefore, always make sure the washing machine stays upright. An easy but often effective solution to this problem is simply to turn the washing machine on and off for a while. If this does not work, we recommend contacting a technician.
Worn carbon brushes
If you have had the washing machine for a longer time, it could be that the carbon brushes are worn out. Check that the washing machine’s plug is properly plugged in and that the display is still functioning. If it is still functioning then chances are the carbon brushes are worn out. We recommend calling in a mechanic to replace the carbon brushes.
Still want to replace the carbon brushes yourself? Then unplug them first and check what type of washing machine you have so that you order the right carbon brushes.
Hire a washing machine from Homie
If you still can’t manage to fix your washing machine or if you’re looking for a new energy-efficient one, you can turn to Homie. This is because at Homie you can rent a washing machine. This can be a temporary solution until your washing machine is repaired, but can also be a good alternative to a new washing machine. Our washing machines are not only of a high standard but also have an attractive rental price. Also, you can always contact our customer service, so you will never run into problems with your washing machine. Perhaps the biggest advantage is that you don’t have to make a big investment in a new washing machine and have no maintenance costs on a washing machine from Homie.