Homie users who choose the Homie Pay-Per-Use washing machine pay per wash. Find out how the pay-per-use concept works and how we use it to encourage sustainable washing behaviour. In addition, for all our other products we offer a subscription where you can rent for a fixed monthly fee (all-in price). The choice is yours.
The origin
Homie originated from academic research at the Technical University in Delft. The starting point for this research: how can we stimulate sustainable usage of home appliances? We developed a tracker with which we can provide insight into washing behaviour. This way Homie users can see exactly which programmes they have run. A pilot in 2017 in the Rotterdam and Delft regions proved that the ‘pay-per-use’ concept results in more sustainable washing behaviour; fewer washes and at lower temperatures.

In practice
How it works
Washing prices vary by programme. Energy-efficient programmes are cheaper than less economical ones. For example, you pay more for a 60°C wash programme than for a 20°C wash. The minimum wash credit of €15.99 is based on the average Dutch household of 2.1 people with about 15 washes per month.

Circular economy
Our impact
Homie users contribute to reducing energy in the use phase of the product lifecycle. Our study shows that Homie users are able to reduce their own energy consumption for washing by up to 25%. In addition, Homie makes appliances last longer through repairs and maintenance. Young appliances are refurbished and afterwards reused.
Homie takes your old appliances back and have it recycled. Homie’s business model is inspired by research by co-founder Prof. Nancy Bocken, professor of sustainable business practices. Nancy Bocken studies how companies can make their business models more sustainable and circular.

Insight in washing behaviour
The Homie app
In the Homie app, users keep control of their washing balance and see exactly which washes they have done.